
::Romantic Proposal::

March 27, 2011

Assalamualaikum to all my lovely readers.hope u ols are in a pink of health.ri nie aku nk sharing2 skit satu bnde ngn korang neh.nk bg tips caner nk propose someone in a romantic way.cewahhhh.cam gatai la plak.hahahahaha.bukan guna untuk time nk kawen je taw.kalo propose untuk nk start couple pon boley.hehehe.aku post entry neh pon sbb 2,3 hari neh aku dok layan korean drama tajuk "Wedding".cara dorang propose dlm cter nie sngat la sweet sbb dorang guna poem.wahhhhh.romantic gitu !! i loikeeee.(^___^).mesti korang nk tau gak an apa ayat2 yg boleh wat hati org yg anda syg tu melting mcm ice cream.ahakkkzzz.jom kite menghayati poem dibawah...................................

~pic credit from Google~

When the sunlight touches the ground, I miss you
When the shadow of the moonlight slowly climbs up, I miss you
When the dust finally settles down, I'd see you
Meeting in the deep night, I still can see your shadow

When the waves crash, I hear your voice
As everyone falls asleep in the midst of quite forest, I hear your voice
No matter how far, I'd be by your side
You'd be by my side, When the sun sets and the stars shines

--this poem was taken from korean drama "Wedding".cube la.nnti mesti pasangan korang akan terharu punyer lah.chaiyok2!!heeeeee~--

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